Plumbers Putty vs Plumbers Sealant: What's the Difference?

As a professional plumber with years of experience, I have encountered many different types of sealants and putties in my line of work. One question that often comes up is whether plumbers putty and plumbers sealant are the same thing. The short answer is no, they are not. While both are used for sealing purposes, they have different properties and applications.

In this article, I will explain the differences between these two products and when to use each one.

Plumbers putty

and plumbers sealant are both commonly used in plumbing projects to create a watertight seal. However, they are made from different materials and have different consistencies, making them suitable for different types of applications.

The Basics of Plumbers Putty

Plumbers putty is a type of adhesive putty that is used to create a waterproof seal around plumbing fixtures such as sinks, drains, and faucets. It is typically made from a combination of clay and linseed oil, giving it a soft and pliable texture. This type of putty is ideal for use on surfaces that are not exposed to high water pressure, such as sink drains or faucet bases. It is also commonly used for sealing around the base of toilets or bathtubs.

Plumbers putty

is easy to work with and can be molded into any shape needed to create a tight seal.

It also has a long drying time, allowing for adjustments to be made before it sets completely.

The Ins and Outs of Plumbers Sealant

Plumbers sealant, on the other hand, is a type of adhesive that is used to create a watertight seal on surfaces that are exposed to high water pressure. It is typically made from silicone or polyurethane and has a thicker consistency compared to plumbers putty.This type of sealant is ideal for use on surfaces such as showerheads, faucets, and pipes, where there is a high risk of water leakage. It can also be used for sealing around windows and doors.

Plumbers sealant

is more durable and has a faster drying time compared to plumbers putty. It also has a higher resistance to heat and chemicals, making it suitable for use in a variety of plumbing projects.

When to Use Plumbers Putty vs Plumbers Sealant

Now that we have established the differences between plumbers putty and plumbers sealant, let's discuss when it is appropriate to use each one.

Plumbers putty

is best used for sealing non-pressurized surfaces, such as sink drains or faucet bases.

It should not be used on surfaces that are exposed to high water pressure, as it may not hold up and could lead to leaks.

Plumbers sealant

, on the other hand, is ideal for use on surfaces that are exposed to high water pressure, such as showerheads or pipes. It provides a strong and durable seal that can withstand the pressure without leaking. In general, plumbers putty is better suited for smaller, non-pressurized projects, while plumbers sealant is better for larger, high-pressure projects.

Other Factors to Consider

Aside from the type of project and water pressure, there are a few other factors to consider when choosing between plumbers putty and plumbers sealant.

Plumbers putty

is not suitable for use on plastic or marble surfaces, as it can cause discoloration or damage. It is also not recommended for use on surfaces that will be in direct contact with food, such as kitchen sinks.

Plumbers sealant

, on the other hand, can be used on a variety of surfaces, including plastic and marble. However, it should not be used on surfaces that will be painted, as it may not adhere properly.

In Conclusion

In summary, while both plumbers putty and plumbers sealant are used for sealing purposes in plumbing projects, they have different properties and applications.

Plumbers putty is best for non-pressurized surfaces and has a longer drying time, while plumbers sealant is better for high-pressure projects and has a faster drying time. As a professional plumber, it is important to understand the differences between these two products and when to use each one to ensure a successful and long-lasting seal in your plumbing projects.